Sunday, November 23, 2014

Avocado Lovin'

Here in Uganda we finally listened to general conference today.  We were able to listen to most of conference over the past month on the internet but getting together as one body just brings a different spirit as I listened to the messages.  I am grateful that Heavenly Father knows that living prophets are just as important today as they were during the Old and New Testament times.

As Sister McConkie said in her conference address: "We are grateful for a church “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.”7 The Lord’s house is a house of order, and we need never be deceived about where to look for answers to our questions or uncertain about which voice to follow. We need not be “tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine.” God reveals His word through His ordained servants, “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God."  I know that each of us will struggle with something we hear or why we are having some struggle as we go through life.  What I know is that peace will come but not by listening to the secular voices that will want to make our decisions for us.  Why give our agency to anyone else when we are seeking answers?  Our answers will come by putting to the test what Heavenly Father has told us to be, faithful, prayerful and pondering will give us the result we are seeking.  I am not sure why we quit doing what the scriptures have instructed to do with our questions or concerns and then rage that we never got an answer.  

We are still glowing from having visitors come last week to visit.  I do have some additional pictures that have to be shared.  While Alysia and Rachelle were here, both planed on taking babies home with them.  I should say that Rachelle was going to take a baby AND a monkey home.  When they found out both ideas were frowned upon, Rachelle had to place her love somewhere else.  I think you can see from the picture that nurturing a avocado was the best she could do.  

She learned how to hold that avocado from her mother.

Nurturing the avocado only lasted so long and it went from "oh what a cute little avocado" to "get in my belly!"  It was a little frightening how quickly things can change.

This was the little guy she had her eyes on.  They really aren't that easy to catch.

Before our girls came to visit we had President and Sister Ellis from the African Southeast Area.  This was a mission tour where they come for 10 days and travel throughout the mission teaching the missionaries.  This was our Jinja zones that we had to feed lunch.  We had a potato bar with salads and cookies.  It was really nice.

I really liked this slide that Sister Ellis used in her presentation.  I thought it told the story in a very simple way.  Did I mention that I like simple...

Faith = Power
Obedience = Price
Love = Motive
The Spirit = Key
Christ = Reason
Joy = Reward

After this we went back in to Kampala for the training of the new Doctor.  They got right to work and fit in so well.  We are lucky to have them here.  Elder Chabra was born in Kenya, trained in India and worked in California.  He and his good wife have waited since their conversion 25 years ago, for a chance to serve a mission, we also had a great desire to serve a mission.  Here we are at the airport before the Area Presidency tour.

Before the Ellis' left for Rwanda and Ethiopia they had a senior couple dinner where he taught us after the meal.  He once again told us our families are being blessed for our being here and we take great comfort in that.  We will loose two more of these couples by March of 2015.  We need replacements!

This was at the produce market.  Not interested but they must be popular.  Fish on a stick anyone?

While our girls were here we went to the lookout where the first explorer found and published he had found the source of the Nile.  It is a spring at the top hut where you only see bubbles now that the dam has backed up the water.

I have no idea about this picture.  You will have to ask them, I only took the picture they asked me to.

As we were driving back from church you can see someone is getting ready for Thanksgiving.  In the middle of the truck you can see a live turkey along with a couple of chickens.

Whenever we see a bodaboda unusual sight we try and take a picture.  Here are four kids heading off to school.

Speaking of school, while we were at Paara, this "school bus" pulled up so they could have have a tour of the hotel business side of the tourist business.  Much cheaper than in the US to transport kids.

At the end of every trip, you need to take some time to reflect.  No one does it better than these two.

Beatrice is the lady that Sister Squire has been helping to set up a business where she can earn money to pay for rent, food etc.  We have been counseled to not give money because it doesn't move anyone to changing their circumstance.  Helping Beatrice to be able to wash and iron clothes will help her to gain skills.  Sister Squire has provided a charcoal iron, ironing board, and now a big basin to wash the clothes.  We had a great call today when her mother called because they wanted to meet us at church.  We live two hours away now but the sister missionaries will help her to know where it is.  When it was time to leave she pops it on top of her head and off she goes.  She has three very cute kids.

When I saw this picture of the donkey some suggested there was a very strong resemblance. I had to go in the restaurant to borrow the hat to see if they were correct .  HeeeHawww!

You will really have to think about this one and please don't try it at home.  Not sure of the cosmic consequences of this happening too often but think of this: a picture being taken of a monkey; then a picture being taken of the person taking the picture of the monkey; then a picture of the the person taking the picture of the person who it taking the picture of the monkey; and finally, a picture of the person taking a picture of the person who is taking a picture of the person who is taking the picture of the monkey.  It really boggles the mind.

We love you all!


  1. I can't stop laughing at this post. All good stuff. I think you are right to be wary about the cosmic consequences that might follow if people think to much or even take it upon themselves to recreate the last picture. Surely the universe will implode. It might be too much for people right now!
    I have the post trip blues. I miss you guys and our fantastic adventure.

  2. it all had me laughing too. I am pretty sure no one is as awesome as our family!! (Alysia)
